Sunday, March 26

Post Pranks

"Voila! Çe Marche!" Pierre was excited whispering to himself, "Peut-être trop bien..."

Pierre was an eternal prankster and when he found a magic shop in Paris that claimed to sell real magical artifacts he knew exactly what to do: prank video!

He bought a scroll with a spell that could imbue an object with the power to drain dominant traits from whoever touched the object. Pierre was skeptical but after carefully reading the scroll and targeting the post in a crosswalk, the post glowed a brilliant blue color and faded back to normal. This excited Pierre and he waited all day for somebody to come by and touch it.

He didn't have to wait long as two American tourists were on their way down the street coming back from the Eiffel Tower. The two men were brothers and were playfully horsing around by shoving each other.

"Man, this place is kinda boring. Huh?" The one on the right said

"Yeah. But, mom wanted to come and she deserves this." Said the one on the left.

"What are you? Some kind of pussy?" Said the right brother in response to the right's answer. He shoved him hard and caused him to touch the enchanted post. Almost immediately, the post glowed a radiant red and the brother was no longer a brother. The brother on the right was taken aback by the bright red flash and lost his balance. He steadied himself on his former brother and saw another flash.

Turns out the enchantment works like a circuit and can move through other matter. The locals soon learned that this crosswalk is very interesting when it rains.

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