Wednesday, October 25

A Walk in the Park

"Alright. Act natural. Smile...Nobody notices anything. You're home free." Sam was running through a dialog in his head. Earlier he had used a camera he found in the park to swap traits between himself and others. Eventually, the people started noticing. Especially the mother who's femininity he swapped his masculinity for. He only had to walk a few more feet to reach the sidewalk and be gone from the area leaving all of his pursuers to wonder what actually happened to them. 

Tuesday, June 13

FOSE Wardrobe Malfunction

"Thank you for tuning into our stream! Let's get started tonight with a few comments"

As the girl in the red in front blabbered on I was just very confused, "I was at home jerking off to this chick on the stream and now I'm here in the room with her? Why do I feel so weird? What is this?" I pulled off the bra I was wearing and realized what I had done.

Little did I know that this was because of a phenomenon that would be known as the Fantasy Orgasm Swapping Event.

Wednesday, June 7

Restore Balance

"I have awakened once again and I can can sense an immense evil unbalance in the energies. It seems the order hasn't been here for years! I guess this one was just fortunate enough to step into the summoning circle."

The girl looked down and felt her body

"This body is suitable. I suppose."

She picked up the sacred blade and left the cave into the snowy wilderness on her quest to return the balance of good and evil to the land.

Tuesday, June 6

Such A Prude

"Finally! Some time to myself! Ugh! This bitch was such a prude. Let's see what I'm working with here. Oh, yeah! These'll do just fine." Devin said as he took off Maddie's clothes and felt himself up.

Devin was a star athlete in his school and thought he could be with any girl he wanted, Unfortunately he wanted Maddie. She was a lesbian.

Undeterred, he kept trying to be with her until she finally told him that she didn't want to talk to him ever again. Devon was obsessed though. He tracked down an old shop that claimed to make dreams come true.

Devon explained the situation to the shopkeeper and a sly smile came across her wrinkled face, "Ahh, young misplaced love. This situation would be easier if you were older and didn't have a family that knew you so well. But, I am nothing if not a problem solver!" She grabbed a flower from the shelf behind her and asked for payment.

Devon gladly paid the price had it explained to him that if he ate a petal from this flower while thinking about Maddie he would be able to be with her.

Devon left the shop and immediately ate the flower. He felt tingly and eventually blacked out.

When he came to, he was in the school library and very confused. He had swapped into Maddie during book club and had caused a bit of a scene storming out of the reading circle holding his chest.

Maddie's family was very close and Devon had to sit through dinner and a bit of family time before finally being able to lock himself in Maddie's room and check out the goods.

Devon never complained that he was misled by the shopkeep. He did stop by to thank her.

Saturday, April 8

Taking a Break

Hello readers,

I have some bad news. I'm in the process of moving and so I haven't found time to write a lot in the last week. Rest assured that I will be back. I'll just be gone while I get set up somewhere new. Thank you for all the support. I never thought that this journey into captioning would bring such enjoyment and enrichment to me.

Stay safe out there,

Dominant One

"Are these better?" Danny texted a picture to his girlfriend.

"Those are great! Super cute! Now put it all together and send me another pic!" Danny's girlfriend responded. It made him cringe to know that his body was sending all these girly emojis and texts.

Swap therapy was never really needed between them. They were doing it before getting married because it came with the incentive of lower the cost of acquiring a marriage license. Danny thought his girlfriend was taking it way too seriously. She was making him do everything she can conceive a girl would ever have to do.

She wasn't doing it to teach him any kind of lesson or anything though. Being in a male body really brought out her dominant side. This therapy session was a great introspective journey for her and she realized she may like women more than men. Hopefully the money they save on the marriage license can be toward some sex change nanites.

Friday, April 7


Charlie didn't know what happened. He was getting hit on by this super hot chick at the bar on Easter and when they left, he was expecting to go to her house for some rabbit-style lovemaking. He doesn't remember much after getting into her van but he woke up in a costume and with a new ability: when he gets turned on, he transforms into the what he's thinking about. He hasn't got it completely under control yet but he's just enjoying the forms as they come now.

He didn't know that this was the work of an ancient and powerful witch Elizabeth Bunny. She lure drunk men into her van and get them tattooed with a special enchantment where they couldn't see it. Whenever she would activate the runes, the men would take one of the forms she programmed into them and then she would command an army of sexy bunnies to go spread joy around for the spring. After all Spring is time for biological growth and multiplication. The bunny costumes were a new tool in her repertoire, she found them to be particularly useful in the modern times.

Thursday, April 6


"Jinkies, Tom! If you think that, because you trapped as me as your fantasy girl, I'll have sex with you then you may have more in common with Daphne."

When Tom found a spell online to make his fantasy come true he gathered up all the ingredients and began the ritual. It failed and Tom soon learned that he needed a canvas to manifest the fantasy onto. He learned that living beings can add great energy to the ritual and cause it to complete in a better fashion. So, he planned to lure his friend Fred into the ritual circle. It was easy, all he had to do was promise free beer.

The ritual worked like a charm, Fred may have been a bit too thin because Velma wasn't as curvy when applied to him. Tom assumed the ritual failed because it didn't change Fred's mind enough, he was wrong. The girl in front of him was Velma through and through. He just didn't know Velma is a lesbian.

Wednesday, April 5

These are Fun!

"Wow! These things are great! I'll never get why she complained so much about them." Todd was excited to play with his new assets after he and his wife had gone to swap therapy.

Their relationship was on the rocks and his wife had the idea from a daytime talk show about the emerging field of swap therapy and decided to sign them up. Todd argued that all of her problems were in her head and that their was objectively great, he had an awesome job in a field he loves and she was bringing him down because of some depression that happened out of nowhere.

The therapist took some notes and set up the swapping machine. Todd was "sentenced" to a whole month in his wife's body. Their problems didn't get better so far, they've only changed. Todd's wife was always tired from working his job and complained about all the stuff that Todd would always come home complaining about.

Todd took initiative to help with his husband's stress by starting to do cam shows while he was work. At this rate, they'll be able to retire in no time.

Once the therapist heard about this, she decided that some people are just more productive no matter what body they were in and decided to keep them this way until Todd's wife learned a thing about work ethics.

Tuesday, April 4


"Catfishing is so easy these days. I can get all these gifts and cash from these losers just by posting a little bit of cleavage, Before the swap app that was solely the benefit of being a natural woman. Now, with this wonder of technology, I just have to walk around and find girls I'm jealous of and swap into them. I'm kind of worried about how this is affecting my mind though. I've been seeing hot chicks and feeling jealousy instead of pleasure and I'm starting to like these dick picks I keep getting."

Monday, April 3

Girl Water

"That's right, guys! with just a few treatments of this delicious Girl Water you too can have a sweet ass like this. Don't forget to test out all of your new sensory inputs, some stuff may surprise you."

Sunday, April 2

Shift in Fame

There was a bright flash of light and a loud persistent noise. Jack had no idea what had happened to him. As his senses began to adjust, he noticed a large crowd in front of him. Little did he know that he had been swapped into Katy Perry's body as part of a worldwide body swapping phenomenon known as the great shift.

Saturday, April 1

Pool Party

"Donald! You didn't even get the right size! Get back inside!" Shelly was quietly shouting at her own body after seeing it walking around the pool party in a bikini that was too small.

"Whatever! I'm enjoying the party and you should too." Donald rolled his eyes. He was acting more like a girl than Shelly ever did. It just felt natural to him.

Although neither Shelly nor Donald knew how they swapped, Donald wanted to make the most out of it and secretly hoped he would never have to swap back again.

Friday, March 31

Hiding The Evidence

Clark took a deep breath of the hot desert air and reclined against her car. She was lost in deep reflection as she always was when she came out here.

It all started in 1957, Clark had a long streak of bad luck that had forced him to go on the lamb. Unfortunately, his bad luck struck again in the desert of New Mexico when his car broke down. It was pitch dark all around and surprisingly chilly. Clark decided to bunk down in his back seat and make a hike in the morning to the nearest town.

He drifted off to sleep easily as running from the law can cause a lot of fatigue. Soon he was jarred awake by a bright light. Before he could even think that he had been caught by the law, he was suddenly in a strange white room full of junk. He looked around and saw candy bar wrappers, pieces of cars and toasters and televisions and a doorway. He was startled as he was walking towards the doorway when it opened and a small purple creature with three eyes rushed in.

Communication was done through drawing pictures and, from the extraterrestrial charades, he was able to determine that  these creatures were stranded on Earth and needed parts. Clark was terrified but offered to help because he feared what they would do if he refused more.

After some sifting through the piles of junk on the ship, Clark and a robot found what they needed. Clark had been an apprentice electrician and was able to rig the Earth tech into the ship. The creatures were overjoyed, at least that what Clark hoped those sounds meant. As a sign of gratitude, the creatures offered Clark a way to solve his fugitive problems.

They gave him a strange ray gun that when fired at somebody would save their genetic sequence and could then be fired at somebody else to rearrange that genetic sequence into the new format. They drew an explanation that it helps with staying alive for long distance space travel just to revert back to the adolescent version of yourself every time you get too old. It also helped with disguises for surface missions.

Clark was left in the nearest town from where he broke down and had no choice but to test this new ray gun. He spotted a police officer on patrol and used his own body as the template. Suddenly the police officer was an exact copy of Clark and he seemed oblivious to the changes.

Clark has been roaming the Earth in perpetually young bodies since that day. The only issue was that sometimes people would notice and he would have to take care of them in sometimes violent and gruesome ways. He would always come back out to this area in the desert next t his car to hide all the evidence.

Thursday, March 30

Day at the Range

Getting turned into a girl was not going to ruin Chris' day at the range. In fact it made the day even better. He was able to flirt his way into discounts and free snacks. As the day went on he started to think that maybe he wanted to play with some other balls.

Wednesday, March 29

Sister Sex

"Stupid girlfriend putting stuff on the top shelf..." I muttered to myself as I found a chair and with significant effort drug it to the bookcase to stand on and reach the spell books my girlfriend had put on top.

She was always casting random spells. I think it turned her on sexually. But, a lot of the spells in this book are written to punish men in on way or another. This body swap spell was the worst. Sure I've been an animal before. But, how is that any worse than getting body swapped with my own sister? Not only that but she's done something to mind: I feel really dizzy.

"Hopefully she didn't make me too dumb to read again." I said as I reached for the book. I was interrupted by a ring of the doorbell and a summons from my girlfriend. I was compelled to listen to her when she called me.

I walked into the living room and saw her talking to my old body. She was pressed up against it and making it obvious that she was looking for sex from it.

"Oh, Mark! There you are! Hey, sorry to spring this on you so suddenly but I think I might be a lesbian." My body said to me as I walked around the corner.

"Steph?" I asked.

"Yeah! I asked Molly if she could help me with all the lesbian thoughts I'd been having and she said that she would sleep with me to work it out of my system. She qualified that statement by saying that she would never cheat on you. So, I guess this is how she got around that." My body said to me sporting a rock hard erection.

I guess she really does care about me. In a strange way. Oh, who am I kidding? I love it when she does this kind of stuff.

Monday, March 27

Garden Spirit

I could help but to tease my classmate who kept glaring back at me to make sure I wasn't doing anything inappropriate with her body. We had been in an argument outside the gymnasium about the uniforms for the school. She had indicated that it takes too long for her to get ready after gym class and that I should feel lucky that my uniform is just two pieces.

I told her that I actually appreciate the female student uniforms and gave her a wink.

"You wouldn't say if you were the one getting leered at all day by the horny old men that teach here and by pervs like you!" She shouted at me.

"I'm sorry! I was just joking." I responded trying to calm her down.

Apparently an ancient forest spirit who roams the garden behind the gym didn't believe my apology. He appeared to us and chided our argument for bringing negative energies into his garden. He told us that he would use his heavenly powers to restore balance to his sacred meditation grounds.

The next thing I knew I was in a skirt and cardigan. I didn't want to be late for class regardless of what just happened so I rushed as fast as my little legs would take me.

When I got to class, everybody still treated me like my old self just if I was always a girl. The same went for Rei. I'm starting to worry that the spirit changed more than our bodies. All this teasing my old my old body has me feeling strange. I think I might be attracted to myself.

Sunday, March 26

Post Pranks

"Voila! Çe Marche!" Pierre was excited whispering to himself, "Peut-être trop bien..."

Pierre was an eternal prankster and when he found a magic shop in Paris that claimed to sell real magical artifacts he knew exactly what to do: prank video!

He bought a scroll with a spell that could imbue an object with the power to drain dominant traits from whoever touched the object. Pierre was skeptical but after carefully reading the scroll and targeting the post in a crosswalk, the post glowed a brilliant blue color and faded back to normal. This excited Pierre and he waited all day for somebody to come by and touch it.

He didn't have to wait long as two American tourists were on their way down the street coming back from the Eiffel Tower. The two men were brothers and were playfully horsing around by shoving each other.

"Man, this place is kinda boring. Huh?" The one on the right said

"Yeah. But, mom wanted to come and she deserves this." Said the one on the left.

"What are you? Some kind of pussy?" Said the right brother in response to the right's answer. He shoved him hard and caused him to touch the enchanted post. Almost immediately, the post glowed a radiant red and the brother was no longer a brother. The brother on the right was taken aback by the bright red flash and lost his balance. He steadied himself on his former brother and saw another flash.

Turns out the enchantment works like a circuit and can move through other matter. The locals soon learned that this crosswalk is very interesting when it rains.

Saturday, March 25

An A for Effort

"Oh yeah! I did it! Who's the best? Me!" Robert didn't care who was watching him joyfully dancing around. It wasn't his body anyway.

Robert had been a struggling student in wizard school. He could do a lot of physical magic but failed deeply at more mental magic. He was set to fail his exams and have his powers stripped of him for not showing enough of a mastery.

He came up with a foolproof plan. He'd posses his mentalism instructor's body and change his grade so that he could graduate and nobody would be the wiser. The ironic part is that his excitement set off a lot of suspicion and he ended up getting suspended even though advanced possession  would've been enough to pass his mentalism course.

Friday, March 24

Too High

"Oh, no! I...I can't reach it!" Billy was messing around with his mother's spell books and after a particular spell he dropped the book and his new shoes weren't allowing him to reach down and grab it.

He'll have a lot of practice in those heels though as his mother just returned from her quick errand and would discover her new daughter in a few minutes.

Thursday, March 23

No Inhibitions

"I think I may have overdone it a bit with the butt." Jeff said to himself trying to put on the Cammy costume his girlfriend bought him.

Jeff's girlfriend was a complete nerd: she was into comics, video games, math, you name it. The good thing about this is that she invented a transformation pod that could reform the DNA of anything that was inside of it into anything. She realized the power of this machine and decided to just keep it for herself. She may have also tweaked herself a little bit to get of all her inhibitions.

One of those inhibitions was being completely heterosexual. Ever since she heard rumors about a new Street Fighter game in the making she'd been pressuring Jeff to use the transformation pod to turn into a real life representation of her favorite character. Jeff had finally got some time off of work and it coincided with a large comics convention that was in their town.

Jeff was not too excited about about being such a hot chick in a building full of horny guys with bad social skills. But, he loved his girlfriend and so here he is. What he doesn't know is that his girlfriend had gotten bored in the transformation pod room waiting for him to squeeze into his costume and now he's going to be escorted to the convention by M. Bison.

Wednesday, March 22

The Edge of Time and Space

My name is, or was, Chuck. All signs show that that's now Victoria. I was a daredevil and lover of all things extreme. I vowed to build an apparatus that could propel me closer to the speed of light than any other method of conveyance manufactured before. I succeeded. However, there were some unexpected consequences.

As I blew past the land speed record time started to swirl around me. I felt like I was frozen in place in some kind of limbo between realities. I accelerated even further and the effect stopped with a loud bang that temporarily deafened me and an extreme dizziness that caused me to lose consciousness.

I awoke to a large crowd all cheering and taking pictures. I was assisted out of my straps by to large gentlemen and then helped to feet with what seemed like great ease from these men. As I stood, I realized something was very wrong. My clothes were all torn. Or so I had thought. Looking down I found out that I was wearing a bikini and that I was a woman now.

Before I could examine anything or speak, I was ushered to a stage set up in the middle of the desert. The crowd was chanting, "Victoria! Victoria!" So, I learned my new name. I don't know what happened, but this place will be interesting to discover.

Tuesday, March 21

Caught? Maybe Not

Boobs are great! I think I'll shift into girls all the time to run errands. I get discounts at the store and free cake slices! I just hope mom doesn't figure out that I've been masquerading around town as her.

I'm a budding new shapeshifter and I can't really control my powers with the proficiency of some others I've met online. They say I'm pretty good for just being a teenager. A tip they gave was to practice turning into members of my family since my DNA wouldn't have to transform too drastically. It seems to work just fine but sometimes I end up as a teenaged version of the subject I'm hoping to shift into. Also, I can never control the bust of women I turn into. They always end up gigantic. That would be an issue if I'm trying to impersonate them but it's a clear benefit when I'm trying to score free stuff from the horny guy behind the counter at the coffee shop.

As Jonathan in his mom's was hopping down the street, lost in thought, his mother wound up behind him walking the family dog by the nearby coffee shop. She stared at the familiar looking girl but it never fully dawned on her who it looked like.

Monday, March 20

Innate Ability

"O....K." I said catching my balance after everything suddenly shifted, "These are new." I stared the huge breasts now protruding from my chest, tucked snugly into the soft, tight, pink dress I now wore.

"Woof? WOOF! Woof..." I heard a dog from behind me.

I spun around as fast as I could in these heels and saw the dog struggling to stand and looking very confused.

"Matt?" I asked the dog.

"WOOF! Grrrr!" It responded.

"It's not my fault! Even if I did know what I was doing, it's called chaos magic for a reason!" I said to the dog.

My friend Matt found a book among his late grandfather's belongings. His grandfather was an old explorer, he traveled all over the world collecting a large collection of curios from all corners of the world. This particular book looked like it would make a cool Halloween decoration. It was written in an archaic language that seemed to be Some kind of Proto-English. I guessed that it was some kind of spell book.

I was very skeptical and decided to go for the ultimate test and try one of the pages that were marked with red ink and had liner notes from his grandfather saying something about unpredictable chaos magic. I read the first page aloud and now Matt and I are in our current situation.

The only good that came from this is that now I don't seem to have any trouble reading the book. The problem is that, now that I can read it, I'm realizing that I'm innately attuned to chaos magic and so any spell I cast will have random consequences.

I don't know how to break that news to Matt that there might be an even worse fate than dog if we try to turn him back. Or that I've decided that I don't want to change back.

Sunday, March 19

Old Habits

"I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. I don't think I've ever been embarrassed before period. I'm a soldier dammit!" Kenji thought to himself worried that this pop star body was starting to effect his mind.

The political climate in Asia has changed too much for the higher-ups to trust that a revolution won't happen. So, they conscripted a squad of top soldiers to take part in a black op. The soldiers had their minds transplanted into the bodies of a rising pop group. Intel suggested that the arts community was responsible for spread the troublesome messages and this was a foolproof way to infiltrate it and perhaps change the course of public opinion in the process.

The commander of the squad served as the pop group's manager. Kenji didn't what came over him but he had the urge to salute the manager as he walked onto the stage to introduce the band for the show. Luckily, due to Kenji's new cute face, he was able to play it off and the op was not compromised.

This was just the first in a long list of strange mental effects the soldiers would experience throughout the tour.

Saturday, March 18

Surprise Girl's Night

"What the hell!" I shouted as I suddenly lost my balance. I hadn't yet noticed the change in the pitch of my voice.

"C'mon, Sarah! We had other plans!" I heard a female voice speak exasperatedly from the left of me where my friend Seth had been standing.

Seth's long time girlfriend had just come home from her job as Seth and I were heading out to the sports bar to get some drinks and watch the fight.

"Well, you can still do them. I need to tag along and vent about my idiot boss." She quipped and motioned at herself. Her casual black clothing shimmered and faded into a more formal outfit, "Okay! Let's get going, girls!" She said and started walking out the door.

"What about Jim? He's never been a woman before and I think he might fall if I let him go." The girl I assume used to be Seth called out to Sarah.

I was just now starting to realize what had happened to me and I was too focused on the new feelings I was receiving to pay attention to Sarah as she said something and waved her hands at me. I must've got way to drunk at the bar because that's the last thing I remember from that night.

Everything else is in fragments. I was at the sports bar, I know who won the main event and how. I remember that Sarah was having issues with her new supervisor because he's a jerk that tries to micromanage her every move.

I feel really bad for her. I also feel like I've been feeling unnaturally empathetic since that night and I can't seem to walk passed a women's clothing store without staring at the heels for a strange amount of time for a guy.

Surely being turned into a chick for the night must've been a drunk dream. Right?

Friday, March 17

When Mom's Away

"The medallion does great work, huh?" Todd said pulling out his phone to film the busty woman staring at herself in the bathroom mirror.

"Hell, yeah!" She giggled and posed and for the camera, "This jacket looks familiar. Where did you get it from?"

"Oh, I found it in the attic." Todd replied still distracted with his filming.

"My attic?" She began to question but they were interrupted by a door opening

"Jason! I'm home!" Jason's mom announced down the hall.

Unfortunately Jason was currently in the form of his mother from her high school days and would be stuck that way for 12 hours.

Thursday, March 16


I was told by this new temp agency that working for this company would be very hard work and that I would need to be assertive and not take no for an answer. I was a young guy, fresh out of college and I thought I would be able to do those things no problem.

Turns out my boss thought I was the new executive assistant and not a technician. I tried to correct him but he kept telling me to speak up and put some bass in my voice. I got flustered and he led me to his office.

"So, Estelle, the HR lady you interviewed with told you that assistants are required to adhere to strict dress code. Right." He said while sitting down at his desk.

"Yes, she did tell me about the dress code but, I'm not an assis-"

"Good! Good! Do you have a hair color preference?" He said cutting me off again.

"A what? Sir, please listen to m-"

But, this time I was cut off by a laser beam shot from a pyramid shaped device on his desk. It made quick work of me, rearranging my molecules into that a leggy blonde.

"I'll never understand you weirdos who want to go through with this. Anyway, I'll take my afternoon from Starbuck's ASAP. Ask Sally what I normally order on the way out." He ushered me out of his office quickly.

I was still in shock and uncomfortable in my new outfit. I tried to ask around the office for help but all I got were coffee orders. That is until I found Sally at the front desk.

"Oh, are you the new assistant?" She beamed happily.

"Yea- No! I'm the new engineer! I got in to work this and the boss wouldn't let me clarify my position and he did this to me!" I shouted. Happy that somebody was finally listening to me.

"Oh, new engineer? That explains a lot." She said going into a hushed tone.

"What?" I questioned feeling a bit paranoid because Sally had gone into full blown paranoia mode; looking around and crouching down closer to me.

"There's a rival company that wants to steal our prototype. They pose as a temp agency and send a bunch of guys in here to 'work' as engineers and then call them and ask them how their day at the company went in hopes of gleaming new information."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" I shout back.

"Well, the person who runs the temp agency is in a situation similar to you. He did legitimately work here but got pranked by the boss and is now trying to build one of the prototypes in order to change back. The funny thing is, the boss would've changed him back if he hadn't stormed off like that."

"Wait! So, he'll change me back." I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. He changes every one back. Unless you find that you like your new form better. Some of us do." She said winking at me.

I took the boss' coffee order from Sally and went to get it. I walked slowly not so much because of the heels but because I was starting to like this body.

When I got back, the boss took his coffee and apologized for the prank. He sat back down at his desk and I told him that I'd rather stay this way. He agreed to hire me and have me work at the front desk with the "other one".

Wednesday, March 15

Body Mod Vlogs

As time went on and the world's problems started to disappear, science focused more on superficial problems. The body modification market exploded with innovation.

I went a little crazy with my mods. Before the market boom I invested wisely and cashed out with huge sum money. Living life without needing to work or even leave the house started to get painfully boring.

I ordered a drone and began vlogging my day to day life. I was very knowledgeable in business and trading and would freely offer advice to those who watched me. However, it seemed I wasn't getting the popularity I desired.

I'm not one to settle for being second best. I did some research and decided it was time for a channel overhaul. I went to the plastic surgeon and had my gender modified. I decided to start doing technology reviews as an attractive female. Of course my audience was mostly interested in body mods so here I am reviewing the latest hair mod to my millions of followers.

Life is good again. Besides, if it ever gets bad, I can just change again. I've got a feeling I won't be switching my gender mod off for a long while though.

Tuesday, March 14

Dealing With Tardiness

"I'm sorry! It ws n mrgncy nd u wrnt wkn up." I read the text on my wife's cell phone.

"You know I hate it when you text like that from my number. Honestly I think I hate that more than waking up in the wrong body." I replied.

The alarm would've woke me up, it's pretty much the only thing that does. But, her instructor was angry and told her to be there no matter what she had to do.

"I tried to cast that teleport spell I was practicing, but I forgot the word order. So, I had to do the only I know I'm good at." She text back still apologizing.

"It's fine. Just be careful." I sent back.

My wife is a witch-in-training. It's pretty cool most of the time. But, she is very absentminded. That's not a great trait to have when wielding magic you don't fully understand and can't fully control for "homework". Also not a great trait to have when tasked with setting an alarm to wake up early so she wouldn't be tardy to class again.

This body swap spell does get cast a lot. I'm glad she can see her strengths. Now if only she could recognize her weaknesses and work on those so I can be more secure in knowing that I'll wake up male. Or human.

Long story. I guess I better do laundry so I don't have to go through that again.

Monday, March 13


"This is going to be easy!" I said practicing my sister's dance routine, "I don't know what she was so nervous about."

I love my family and this proves without a doubt that I would do anything for them. My sister was a nervous wreck. She had been auditioning for a local dance team. As she was starting to build up a popularity among the girls in this dance team, she moved up the ranks quickly and soon was cast as the lead in her very first recital.

She had always had bad stage fright. I thought this would be good for her to get over it. But, as the recital date grew ever closer, she became consumed with fear and anxiety. She stopped eating and was forgetting things like putting on matching socks, closing the fridge door and leaving the oven on. I decided I needed to intervene or face the whole house blowing up.

Our father was an independently wealthy engineer who was living happily off of the licensing fees from his patents. He still had the urge to invent but rarely did much work anymore.

One day, I was tasked with cleaning his lab area by my mother. It was great because the lab was insulated and out of the way in the the scary part of the basement. So, I was able to work slowly and nobody would bother me or make me do any other chores that afternoon. While cleaning up around his computer, I moved the mouse and his screen came on. I read the report he was working on and was amazed by what I had seen. He had schematics for a mind transfer machine!

I took some photos of his screen with my phone camera and made it my pet project to actually build this thing and see if it worked. Imagine what I could do! I could take control of my teachers and give myself straight A's!

I spent months gathering the parts from purchasing them online to scavenging them from old broken electronics around the neighborhood. I finally finished and now had a reason to tell somebody about it. Keeping such a huge secret was killing me.

I approached my sister in her room, "Hey, sis! Mind if I talk to you about something?"

"Oh, no! Did I forget something else?" She put her head in her hands, "I think I might be losing my hair!"

"No, no! Nothing like that. It's just that I've seen you've been stressed out and I wanted to help you." I sat down on the bed next to her and gave her a soft hug.

"I don't see how you can unless you can do that recital for me. I just wanted to be a background dancer and work on my stage fright slowly." She said her face still muffled by her hands.

"I think I can." I said to her. She threw my arm off of her and looked at me like I had gone crazy.

"I don't think you'll fit in the costume. Not to mention, since we hit puberty, we look really different. Oh and there's the whole crossdressing thing that'll be really weird-" She had clearly been triggered.

I held up my hand to stop the torrent of ideas rushing from her, "No! Not like that. Just- Just come with me." I grabbed her hand and led her to my room. I opened my closet and showed her my creation, "It's a mind transferer!" I flourished toward the pile of electrical components and scrap aluminum.

"I thought you were just acting crazy. Do mom and dad know you've actually gone crazy?" She said and started backing out of the room.

"Wait!" I said a little more forcefully than I wanted to, "This is real. I stole one of dad's unfinished schematics and built it myself in secret."

"This is dad's idea? Why would he even need one of these?" She said, relaxing a bit and walking over to the machine.

"Probably for situations like this." I quipped happy with my comeback.

"You'll really do the recital for me?" She looked back at me with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah. I'd do anything for you. You're my favorite sister." I said, starting to have second thoughts about this plan. I didn't expect her to actually want to try it out.

Before I said another word, she was strapping the helmet onto herself and motioning for me to take mine.

"I should state something first." I said as she was messing around with the control panel.

"Hmm?" She said concentrating and not listening, "This is surprisingly user friendly. Good job, bro!"

"It hasn't been tested yet." I said a bit louder this time. But, it was too late. She activated it and we swapped.

While I was happy that my machine worked. I was suddenly regretting this choice. My sister in my body rushed me out of my room, "You're a life saver, bro- I mean sis. Thank you so much. You've got practice in a couple of hours, you should probably get ready. Don't be afraid to mess up a little maybe they'll demote me." She shut the door in my face and I had no choice but to go to dance practice.

When I got there. I realized her body has an innate agility and balance. I don't think their going to be demoting her anytime soon.

Sunday, March 12

Top Secret

"Finally some privacy!" I sighed and took out my phone to take a selfie, "Whoa! Is that what I look like now? Man, they aren't playing when they say deep cover."

I was part of deep state enforcement group. We are so classified that any acronym to describe the department would also have to be redacted.

I was a new recruit to this division. It had been my dream since I was a little boy to join the military because of family tradition. I signed up and scored highly on all of my physical and mental tests. It was looking like I was going to move up the ranks very quickly. That is until I died. Well, officially died that is.

I was approached one night while working out alone in the gym near my base installation by two muscular men in very professional looking black suits. They moved in synchronization with each other as if they had some kind of prescience of the other's actions.

I stopped what I was doing and stared at them as they moved from the parking lot to the door and into the gym with an almost paranormal ability to stick to the shadows and move silently.

They approached me and one of them began to talk, "Sargent Meadows. We have orders from our superiors to escort you to a meeting with our commanding officer." His voice was a middle-of-the-road baritone. Not special in any way it was almost weird that it was so generic. His speaking structure was very robotic and matter-of-fact.

I put my dumbbell down on the rack, "Who are you and why would I want to go anywhere with you?" I laughed, "This men in black routine doesn't scare me. Hate to break it to you guys. You're good though. A for effort."

The suit that hadn't spoke handed me a piece of paper. It was official orders. Signed by my commanding officer.

"The offer is optional. The meeting is not." The first suit spoke again.

I got my phone out and gave my Commanding officer a call. He seemed very distressed to be talking to me and dodged all of questions. He did let me know that the orders were legitimate.

I turned to pick up my gym bag only to be blocked by the silent suit.

"We'll take care of your belongings. This meeting is high priority." The other spoke from behind me.

"Okay..." I stepped toward the door only to have my arm grabbed from behind.

"Please leave your cellular device with your other belongings." The chatty suit commanded.

"Sure thing..." I was very apprehensive. I walked over to my bag and picked it up to unzip it. In the process I preformed a slight of hand and stowed my phone in my sleeve, "There you go. Let's get to this meeting." I said tossing my bag back onto the ground.

The suits exchanged a nod and the one that spoke grabbed my arm. I thought they had seen me try to smuggle my phone and I was about to get it. However, before I had a chance to react, my vision went white. Immediately after the flash I felt a cold sensation on my feet and back.

I was sat in a metal chair in front of a conference table. On the opposite end of the table, there was an old man in military fatigues and another man in the same ultra professional suit. The military man spoke first, "Welcome, Sargent. We've been made aware of your excellence. Particularly your affinity toward deception and trickery."

He explained the purpose of this secret agency was to influence all global events. Basically, everything that happens on Earth is planned out to have the best outcome for the United States. They use alien technology recovered from the Roswell incident to get around any obstacles that may crop up.

I expressed my skepticism but accepted their offer. I mean, who wouldn't?

 I was escorted to a private barrack and was told that my mission details would arrive within the hour.

I checked that the coast was clear and pulled out my phone. That's how I learned that the gym I was in had an unfortunate gas leak and explosion. I was the only casualty.

I didn't have time to complain because the intercom in my room activated and I was summoned to a lab at the end of the corridor. I quickly hid my phone and did as I was told.

The lab was small. It had only a large tube like chamber and a control panel. The doctor came out from behind the chamber.

"Agent M? Oh, you have a doosie of a mission. Infiltrate a new gang that has been forming in Southern California and manipulate them to create competition with the Mexican cartels. They have the ability and only need the motivation and direction. Step into the chamber please." He was already tapping away on the control panel.

"Wait! What? How is that going to help anything?" I stammered taken aback by the speed of the doctor. Did he not know I was new?

"They don't tell me the why just the what. Honestly, I don't care about the why. Now please step in the chamber."

"What is this thing?" I asked allowing myself to pushed toward it by an ever more frustrated doctor.

"The Transformer. You'll need to be in deep cover this mission."

Finally closing the door to this machine on me, "The trans what?" Was the last thing I could say before my vision went white again.

Next thing I knew I was in my barrack and looked like this. I tried to get a better look at myself but some suites entered my room and told me it was time to head to the mission location. They escorted me down the corridor. I managed to convince them that I needed to use the restroom first.

As I was staring at the selfie I took. I heard the intercom in the bathroom go off, "You get one more strike Agent M. You better preform well on this mission to make up for the violation of the outside communication rule. You should know we have eyes all over and we can change more than just your body. Good luck, Agent and don't fuck this up."

Saturday, March 11

The Show Must Go On

"How do I look?" I asked after stepping out of the trailer to show off my costume, "The portable transformer works just as well as the one at the studio!"

There was an emergency on set of a multi-million dollar blockbuster. We were filming on location in the jungles of Asia. The lead actress got food poisoning because she wanted to take in some of the local culture. However, the longer we stay here, the more expensive it gets not just in hotel rooms but in other crew getting sick from all manner of dangers that dwell in the deep jungle.

As the producer, I felt like it was my responsibility to look out for my money. So, I called up my contacts in Bollywood and had them ship me this portable transformation unit. I'll take the role of the lead actress while she's being treated and we can get out of here sooner.

My only hope now is that she will be feeling better before we have to film the sex scene.

Friday, March 10


"Alright. So, adding these flowers to the concoction turns my hair orange. Good to know."

A few days ago I came across a book in a dumpster. The title was a series of strange glyph markings that I'd never seen before and the binding looked old. Thinking I had stumbled upon something valuable, I took the book home and attempted to get the garbage smell and pizza stains off of it.

As I was flipping through the pages, I noticed that the writing inside the book was in English. This book was full of recipes. The recipes had no titles. Just lists of ingredients and times.

I decided to try and make one of the recipes. I'm far from a botanist but my apartment had a shared garden that had a lot of flowers and luckily it had the right ones for one of the recipes in the book. Little did I know that it was a turn a man into into a woman potion. The moment I added the final ingredient, 7 rose petals, there was a huge puff of pink smoke. It obscured my vision and when it cleared, I was a bit shorter and a lot more female.

Since that day, I've been experimenting with other recipes in the book hoping to find a way to change back. So far I've found a way to make a person have all of their clothing disappear except for their underwear, a way to magically apply permanent makeup and now a way to change somebody's hair color. I'm starting to understand why this book ended up in the dumpster.

Thursday, March 9

Morph Hoop

I was always trying to upstage my sister in everything she did. So, naturally, when she took up the hula hoop I followed suit.

One day, while she was practicing in the driveway, I came up to her and told her that I have a much better routine than she did. Normally, when I do this, she gets annoyed and we get into an argument. This time she simply smiled and encouraged me to show her. She even offered up her hula hoop to me.

I should have seen the red flags but, I was too caught up in the moment. I grabbed the hoop from her hand noticing it felt like it was made of some kind metal.

"Wow! This is a sturdy hoop." I spoke mostly to myself.

"Oh, yeah, bro! Top of the line. I told you I was serious about this hobby." She said gleefully.

"Well, here I go." I said placing the hoop on the ground to pop it up as my routine would start.

As soon as I stepped into the hoop, I felt an electric charge run through my body. I was disoriented and felt strange.

"OMG! You turned out great!" My sister ran up to me excitedly.

"What Are you-" I stopped and coughed, "What- What's wrong with my voice?"

"Oh, there's something I need to tell you, sweet brother, or sister now, of mine. I wasn't really trying to get into hula hooping. I was actually spending all my time building this morphing hoop for my science fair project. I needed a test subject and tricking you into using it was by far the easiest thing I've ever had to do." She giggled and grabbed the hoop away from me while I was distracted checking myself out, "This thing does great work. You're a cutie!" She quipped rubbing it in with a wide smile.

"Change me back!" I shouted, stomping my heeled foot and stumbling slightly.

"Tell you what, sis." She beamed in delight at calling me that, "Work on a hoop routine that impresses me and I might consider changing you back."

So, this has been my new life for the past month. Turns out her morph hoop does more than just physically morph, It pulls a representation of you from another dimension into this one. Nobody remembers the male me except for my sister. I'm starting to think she might have been lying about changing me back.

Wednesday, March 8

The Taboo of Romance Novels

My wife kept a stash of romance novels in a secret compartment behind her bookshelf. I told her she didn't need to hide her literature from me and that I'm fully understanding of her kinks. She told me that they are secured for my safety.

I thought, "How bad could these possibly be?" and sneaked into her study one day while she was at work and broke into the stash.

I Picked up the first one I saw. It was an erotic tale about a woodsman living in a secluded cabin who picked up a maiden who had gotten lost walking in the woods. He offered her shelter until the snow cleared up and he could help find a way back to her castle.

Halfway through the book I heard a noise, my wife was home and coming through the door. I set the book down and realized I'm not going to be able to sneak away from this situation unnoticed.

Tuesday, March 7

Physical Impossibilities

"Okay. I'll try it one more time." I said to my girlfriend over the webcam, "See! It's not working!

"Maybe it only works once." She quipped, "It looks like your tongue is shorter as a girl. Maybe you can't reach the right spot anymore."

This all started when my girlfriend came home from her anatomy class and was talking about physical impossibilities like licking your own elbow. I was slightly double jointed from a skateboarding accident I had when I was a kid so I used my flexibility to prove her wrong.

My celebratory jeering was interrupted by a strange feeling in my stomach and in my crotch. I fell over in pain and blacked out.

When I woke up, my girlfriend informed me that I was now female and she wanted to study my change for her thesis paper.

I spent 4 months as a girl while she studied me and taught me all the nuances of being female. Today, she called me up on Skype and said she wanted to study the reversal and told me to try licking my elbow again.

I tried and tried but it didn't work. I was starting to panic. It was fun being a girl for a while, but not for the rest of my life. What am I going to do?

"Maybe you should join a gymnastics team to work on your flexibility." I heard my girlfriend suggest over the Skype call. I guess there are leotards in my future.

Monday, March 6

Too Excited

When I learned that the strange chemical that had the effect of changing somebody's gender on contact had disastrously leaked into the town's water supply. I may have been a little overzealous in preparing myself to achieve my dream of becoming a real woman.

I probably should've bought more than one outfit and I probably should've taken it off before getting in the contaminated water.

Sunday, March 5

Stream Dream

"Bye bye- Oh, I gotta do this again otherwise this shirt is gonna be like, 'Hello, everybody'."

I let out a relieved sigh after turning the webcam off. This all started when I made fun of a girl doing a Twitch stream that my girlfriend was watching.

"She doesn't improve the platform. She's just getting by on her looks and alienating all of us real gamers." I said to my girlfriend. She was not pleased with that attitude and she let me know it.

"You think you wouldn't do that too if you were in that position?" She said annoyed.

"No, I'm confident in my abilities and don't need any physical boosts." I replied.

"We'll see about that." She said smiling menacingly

The next thing I know I'm waking up in an unfamiliar room. It was messy and the walls were covered in posters from special editions of games. I moaned, still groggy and confused.

"Huh?" I clasped my hands over my mouth, "Why do I sound like a girl?" I sprung from the bed and began examining my body. As I walked to a mirror I realized that I was that girl streamer my girlfriend was watching.

I decided to try my best to prove myself right and held a family friendly stream. It was challenging with this girl's wardrobe, but I made it a success and I was proud of myself.

I sat at the computer for about an hour after I ended the stream, still playing games and hoping to be swapped back soon. It's already past midnight and I'm beginning to think my girlfriend is still unconvinced.

Saturday, March 4

Big News!

"Hmm...CandyBarrStar captions didn't make the front page. But, Neither did whatever caused my gender to spontaneously change last night while I slept. I guess what they say is right: print is dying."