Tuesday, June 13

FOSE Wardrobe Malfunction

"Thank you for tuning into our stream! Let's get started tonight with a few comments"

As the girl in the red in front blabbered on I was just very confused, "I was at home jerking off to this chick on the stream and now I'm here in the room with her? Why do I feel so weird? What is this?" I pulled off the bra I was wearing and realized what I had done.

Little did I know that this was because of a phenomenon that would be known as the Fantasy Orgasm Swapping Event.

Wednesday, June 7

Restore Balance

"I have awakened once again and I can can sense an immense evil unbalance in the energies. It seems the order hasn't been here for years! I guess this one was just fortunate enough to step into the summoning circle."

The girl looked down and felt her body

"This body is suitable. I suppose."

She picked up the sacred blade and left the cave into the snowy wilderness on her quest to return the balance of good and evil to the land.

Tuesday, June 6

Such A Prude

"Finally! Some time to myself! Ugh! This bitch was such a prude. Let's see what I'm working with here. Oh, yeah! These'll do just fine." Devin said as he took off Maddie's clothes and felt himself up.

Devin was a star athlete in his school and thought he could be with any girl he wanted, Unfortunately he wanted Maddie. She was a lesbian.

Undeterred, he kept trying to be with her until she finally told him that she didn't want to talk to him ever again. Devon was obsessed though. He tracked down an old shop that claimed to make dreams come true.

Devon explained the situation to the shopkeeper and a sly smile came across her wrinkled face, "Ahh, young misplaced love. This situation would be easier if you were older and didn't have a family that knew you so well. But, I am nothing if not a problem solver!" She grabbed a flower from the shelf behind her and asked for payment.

Devon gladly paid the price had it explained to him that if he ate a petal from this flower while thinking about Maddie he would be able to be with her.

Devon left the shop and immediately ate the flower. He felt tingly and eventually blacked out.

When he came to, he was in the school library and very confused. He had swapped into Maddie during book club and had caused a bit of a scene storming out of the reading circle holding his chest.

Maddie's family was very close and Devon had to sit through dinner and a bit of family time before finally being able to lock himself in Maddie's room and check out the goods.

Devon never complained that he was misled by the shopkeep. He did stop by to thank her.